Understanding the Brain's Dance of Emotions: Exploring Dysregulation with Calm Down Bottles

Imagine seeing what's happening inside a child's brain when they feel overwhelmed, anxious or upset. Understanding these inner workings can be a powerful tool for both children and adults. Presenting the "Calm Down Bottle" – a simple yet effective way to explain dysregulation to children.

Creating a DIY Calm Bottle for Regulation Your Child

What is Dysregulation?

Dysregulation occurs when our emotions, thoughts and behaviours become unbalanced. It's like a dance where the rhythm is off; it can (and does!) happen to anyone, including children. 

When children experience dysregulation, they may feel like they're in a storm of emotions, making it impossible to think clearly or calm down, leaving them feeling scared and overwhelmed.

The Brain Behind the Emotions

To help children grasp this concept, we can explain that our brains are like a big jar filled with water and glitter. The jar represents our emotions, and the glitter represents our thoughts and feelings.

The Calm Brain

A calm brain is like a jar with settled glitter; emotions are in balance, thoughts are clear, and it's easy to focus. In these moments, children feel happy, relaxed and in control.

The Dysregulated Brain

When something triggers dysregulation, it's as if someone has shaken the glitter jar. Emotions swirl, thoughts become jumbled, and it's hard to concentrate and make sense of what is going on. The glitter needs time to settle, just like our emotions need time to calm down.

Creating the Calm Down Bottle

Materials: You'll need a clear bottle with a secure cap, clear glue, warm water and glitter (various colours and sizes for visual interest).

  1. Add Glue: Fill the bottle a quarter of the way with clear glue (we use Elmers Clear Glue, but any clear glue should work! Alternatively, if you don’t have glue on hand, you can use clear hand soap or dishwashing liquid with a 1:1 ratio). The addition of glue helps the glitter stay suspended for longer. 

  2. Add Glitter: Sprinkle in the glitter. You can use different colours to represent different emotions. For example, red for anger, blue for sadness, and green for calm. You could also add other bits and pieces (like, pom poms, sequins, etc.) Get creative!

  3. Fill with Water: Fill the bottle with warm (not hot!) water, leaving some space at the top.

  4. Secure the bottle Seal the bottle tightly.

Using the Calm Down Bottle

When a child is upset or dysregulated, we can use the Calm Down Bottle as a tool to facilitate co-regulation. As you watch the glitter swirl, explain that it represents their emotions and thoughts. Encourage some breathing exercises you can do together as they wait for the glitter to settle. 

A Learning Opportunity

The Calm Down Bottle offers a valuable learning opportunity as children can see that dysregulation is a natural part of being human and happens to everyone. It is not something to be ashamed of. Essentially, children can learn that, just like the glitter eventually settles in the bottle, their emotions will eventually calm down, too.

Dysregulation can be a tricky concept for children (and adults!) to grasp. Still, the Calm Down Bottle offers a fantastic tangible and visual way to explain it, whilst providing a soothing sensory experience. By understanding the brain's dance of emotions, children can develop greater emotional literacy and regulatory strategies, supporting them on their journey toward self-regulation.

So, the next time a child needs help understanding their emotions, consider reaching for a Calm Down Bottle – it might just be the key to unlocking a deeper understanding of the beautiful complexity of their minds.