Child Development Practitioner


Holly holds a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education and has had extensive experience working directly with children. She has worked as a mentor for children who have experienced trauma, and as an educator in various settings, including schools and special educational services.

Her approach is child-centred; she is deeply committed to grasping each child's unique strengths, interests and capabilities, firmly believing in the vital role of early intervention to ensure that children achieve the outcomes they genuinely deserve.

Holly possesses a profound passion for play-based therapy and mindfulness practices. Collaborating with children to nurture their capacity to connect with their senses, navigate their environment, and explore their inner thoughts and emotions is at the core of her work. This holistic approach equips children with the necessary tools to increase their attention, resilience, emotional intelligence, and to support the regulation of their bodies and emotions.

Beyond her professional commitments, Holly cherishes the moments she spends in nature with her husband and their three children.



